NSW Design and Build Logo

Who We Are

NSW Design + Build are a company built on values and we strive on good work ethic. Leading by example from the top down, we all hold on to the same rope and strive to succeed in all areas of the business. We started from the ground up and worked our way towards our goals knocking off milestone after milestone. In turn giving us that passion and motivation to want to reach endless heights.

We have built a culture within the company which is adherent to our values. Integrity, Honesty, Innovation, Team Work and Passion.

We are your friends, we are your partners, we are your team.

What Our Valued Clients Say...


Tired of looking for a reputable firm? NSW Design + Build has the industry expertise and experience to take your project from the drawing board to new heights - quite literally!

Simply fill in the form and we get right back to you with a suitable time and date to discuss any building project you have in mind, from renovations to a completely fabulous new home!